A committee of Trinity Middle School teachers will review all applications and vote on each member for acceptance. Eligibility letters are mailed home at the end of the second nine-weeks grading period. Completed applications, including letters of recommendation are submitted to the school counseling office for review by the faculty committee. The National Junior Honor Society induction is traditionally held in March.
The National Junior Honor society recognizes four areas where-by students have an opportunity to excel and demonstrate school leadership roles. These four areas and requirements are:
● Scholarship: Cumulative grade point average of 3.6 or above
● Character: This category is related to setting a good example for peers by having no reported disciplinary infractions. Three recommendations signed by the student’s teachers and a clean discipline record must be in effect at the time of application and maintained throughout the student's academic career at Trinity Middle School. This includes no Saturday detentions or out of school suspensions.
● Leadership: Leadership can be exhibited in two ways:
A. Through participation in a school activity with a signature from the sponsor or coach.
B. Through participation in an organizational group project with a signature from the sponsor or coach.
● School/Community Service: Participation in community or school activities, as a volunteer, is required and the sponsor/director must sign the application.