Community Emergency Telephone Numbers
Ambulance 911
American Red Cross 724-222-4750
CARE Center(drug and alcohol) 724-228-2200
Catholic Charities 724-228-7722
Child Abuse Hotline 1-800-932-0313 or 724-228-6884
Children and Youth Services 724-228-6884
City Mission 724-222-8530
Community Actions Southwest 724-225-9550
Department of Public Safety 724-228-6911
Department of Health 724-223-4540
Domestic Violence 724-223-9190
Drug and Alcohol Commission 724-223-1181
Fire Emergency 911
Legal Aid 724-225-6170
National Youth Crisis Hotline(suicide) 1-800-784-2433
Mental Health 724-225-6940
Police Emergency 911
Poison Control Center 1-800-222-1222
SPHS (Suicide) 724-225-3584
Try Again Homes 724-228-5475
Washington Hospital 724-225-7000 emergency room 724-223-3085
Welfare 724-223-4300
Women's Shelter 724-223-9190