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Career Information

Career Planning

Students complete career artifacts that align with Pennsylvania’s Academic Standards for Career Education and Work.  Career Education and Work Standards describe what students should know and be able to do at the end of 8th grade in the following four areas:

  • 13.1 Career Awareness and Preparation
  • 13.2 Career Acquisition (Getting a Job)
  • 13.3 Career Retention and Advancement
  • 13.4 Entrepreneurship

Students complete at least two artifacts each year using the Naviance management system.  In addition, all 8th grade students create an individualized career plan.

Career Resources    This website is the career planning website that TASD students use in the classroom with teachers and counselors.  Each student has an individualized profile on this website that they can use to help find, save and research career options, further education, and multiple other assessments aimed to help develop academic skills.      This website is to specifically designed to explore a wide variety of career and labor market information.  There are over 900 careers to explore with video clips and links to US labor market information.  This website will match your interests with career options.     This website explains financing your college career.


"I look to the future because that's where I'm going to spend the rest of my life."  

--George Burns