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Samantha Shinsky

Trinity Middle School is excited to host Ryan Klingensmith, founder of Shape the Sky, for an important presentation on keeping kids safe in our digital world.

When: February 18, 2025
Time: 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Where: Trinity Middle School Auditorium

Ryan, a nationally certified counselor, has trained thousands of adults to navigate the digital landscape. He shares, "Our kids have the knowledge to use [social media], but not the wisdom to stay safe. Adults have the wisdom to handle it, but many lack the knowledge of how it can be used."

This session is for parents/guardians of students in grades 4-12. Gain the latest insights, practical tools, and learn how to use Ryan’s technology contract to help youth use technology safely and responsibly.

We hope to see you there!

February 2025 with white calendar background
Samantha Shinsky

Some important dates to keep in mind for February:

  • February 10th: Staff Development/No School 
  • February 17th: President’s Day/No School

Stay tuned for more updates and events.

Hiller Highlights The Offical Newsletter of Trinity Area School District Home of the Hillers! With a photo of Old Main, a red brick building with white bell tower and wrap around porch.
Samantha Shinsky

Don't miss the final 2024 edition of Hiller Highlights! The next issue arrives on January 31, 2025. Subscribe via the District's main page to stay updated! 

2 students, posing next to a large display - TMS 100 years of academic excellence
Samantha Shinsky

Congratulations to Lucas and Addy for being selected as the TMS students of the month for November. Great Job!